Coco's Blog

Coco's Blog
Musings of a Computer Savvy Pug

Monday, May 9, 2011

Dear Diary,
I had the best weekend EVER! I walked in the Furry Scurry on Saturday morning. The weather was really awesome, although in truth maybe a little too hot for me, but I got to smell LOTS of butts, got lots of treats and head scratches so it was totally worth it. I think Chili had fun too. At one point on the course, there were these really nice elder humans that had a treat and head pat station. Chili found one that he LOVED! They took pictures of him and everything!

My mom says we raised like $1 million for homeless animals! I don't know how much money that is, but it sounds like a lot! It was great to see so many humans and dogs supporting a good cause. We even saw a miniature horse. He was wearing a vest that said he was a service horse. I don't know what a service horse does, but it has to be cool...

Anyway, I slept a lot on Saturday afternoon and all day yesterday. My mom says we have another event next weekend. I really love summer and nice weather!

I hope you had a nice weekend too, Diary!

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Dear Diary,
I know you usually like to hear all about me and my adventures, but I gotta tell you a little bit about Chili! He is a really funny guy. He's been with us for almost 6 months now. At first I think my humans were a little concerned. He slept a LOT, and my mom called him Velcro. He doesn't tell me too much about his previous life or family. My mom says he is very polite, and that somehuman clearly spent some time training him. For example, she always sounds really excited when we take her for walks because she says he has impeccable leash manners. I don't even know what that means!

But anyway, I think my mom was sad for Chili at first because he never plays with toys or seems to be having fun. A lot of humans told her not to worry about this because Chili is older than me and probably doesn't have any interest in toys.

But last night something really cool happened. Chili was doing his usual twirling trick and then ran down the stairs. He had so much momentum from twirling and running that he slid across the floor and rolled around a bit when he got to the bottom. We all laughed and jumped on mom for head pats and face scrunches. My mom told Chili that he was silly! My mom tells me this all the time so I wasn't sure if I should be jealous. My mom assured me that this is something she'll always love about me, no matter how silly Chili is, and that she's so happy to finally see a little of that silly pug personality from Chili. So I decided to be happy too! For sure if there are 2 silly pugs, there will be lots more human laughter, head pats, face scrunches and TREATS!!!

Here's a picture of Chili doing what he does best, snuggling with our mom. I do get jealous when he snuggles, but I'll work on my jealousy issues while Chili works on being more silly. Then we'll be even more perfect!


Monday, May 2, 2011

Coco and Chili Make a Public Appearance!

Dear Diary,

I hope you had a great weekend! Chili and I were super busy this weekend. First, our mom was sick all weekend. She made all these cool pug sounds, like snorts, sniffles, sneezes and wheezes. We had to cuddle her. We cuddled her and let her watch all this royal wedding stuff. I don't know who those humans are, but they weren't covered with pug hair, so I don't think they are as royal as that TV thing made them sound. But, some of the humans on the TV thing were wearing pug toys on their heads! How cool is that?! I wish our mom would wear a pug toy on her head.

On Sunday our mom was finally human enough to take Chili and me to our public appearance. We hadn't been out among our fans in so long that it was nice for the fans to have an opportunity to greet us. Our fans are so great and loyal they blocked off the streets and had a party for us. They even had a human race while they awaited our arrival! I don't know about you, Diary, but I just love humans. Big ones, small ones, ones with dogs, ones with pug toys on their heads... they're all so nice! We were pretty tired after greeting all our fans and walking around all morning. We had to put up our paws when we got home.

Then last night the TV thing said this really bad subhuman is dead. Our mom said this is a good thing and that we should salute the US Service men and women. They make the world a safer place for pugs and humans, so we can't argue with that! We haven't really gotten the salute thing down, so we will eat a treat (or 2) in their honor!
